Chemical industry

Conditioning additive DVCH-5


Experimental additive for processing granules of complex mineral fertilizers. At temperatures above -10°C it looks like a homogeneous liquid of yellow color (from light to dark shades). Designed for production conditions without the possibility of heating the conditioning mixture.

Typical physicochemical parameters

Parameter name Parameter value
Amine number, not less than, mg  KOH/g 20
Kinematic viscosity at 70 °С, not more than, mm2/s 20
Flash point, in open crucible, not less than, °С 190
Pour point, °С -10
Recommended consumption rate, kg/t 1,2-2,0
Recommended application temperature, °С >0

The values of the above indicators can be modified upon customer request.

Supply form

170 kg barrel
170 kg barrel / IBC / Bulk
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