Chemical industry

V20 Universal Mold Release

V20 Universal Mold Release is a mixture of hydrocarbon raw materials with the addition of emulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors and high-performance surfactants.

Field of application

Used for lubrication of horizontal and vertical formworks, molds used in the production of reinforced concrete products.

Suitable for spray and spread application.

Technical specifications

Parameter name Characteristics
Appearance Homogeneous oily liquid from light brown to brown in color
Pour point, °С, not more than -25
Flash point, in open crucible, not less than 120
Water content, %, not more than 1
Density at 20 °С, g/cm3, not more than 0,95
Kinematic viscosity at 40 °С, mm²/s 10–20

The information in specification is reliable but it is advisory. Consumer must carry out production and/or laboratory tests to determine the applicability of the product and the required consumption rates.

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