Chemical industry

Anti-caking agent for fertilizers DVCH-1 (MAP, DAP)


Designed for processing granules of complex nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers. Effectively prevents dusting and caking of granules. It is a mixture of mineral oil and a combination of surfactants and functional additives. At a temperature above 75 °C it looks like a homogeneous liquid of yellow color (from light to dark shades). At pour point it acquires a pasty state.

Typical physicochemical parameters

Parameter name Parameter value
Amine number, not less than, mg KOH/g 15
Kinematic viscosity at 70 °С, not more than, mm2/s 20
Flash point, in open crucible, not less than, °С 150
Pour point,°С 60-75
Recommended consumption rate, kg/t 2,5-3,5
Recommended application temperature, °С 80-100

The values of the above indicators can be modified upon customer request.

Supply form

170 kg barrel
170 kg barrel / IBC / Bulk
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